Thursday, October 21, 2010

Jinshan WPS2007 leakage of part of the version to be embedded trojan

August 24 evening, Kingsoft, announced that the official release later this month's WPS Office 2007 was leaked during the test, but not the final version of the leaked version, and part of the leaked version of the installation package has been loaded malicious people with ulterior motives plug-in, Trojans and other harmful programs, want the user to download with caution.

Following is the text of a statement Kingsoft:

Recently the relevance for online rumors since we released the following statement:

1, some website to download the leaked version of the so-called WPS Office 2007 is not the official version WPS2007. Another part of the site posing with WPS 2005 WPS 2007, so users new WPS misleading.

2, the technical testing, some WPS2007 leaked version of the installation package by people with ulterior motives load malicious plug-in, Trojans and other harmful procedures, please download the user must be careful, do virus protection, to prevent unnecessary losses.

3, WPS Office 2007 is a self-released 2005 version of Kingsoft, the last two years developing the new version of the program stability, interface aesthetics, feature-rich extent, than the 2005 version will be much improved.

4, WPS Office 2007 will be the official version of the release time at the end of this month, after the official release version will be more stable and more feature-full. WPS Office 2007 Personal Edition also will soon provide free download trial, so stay tuned.

5, Kingsoft office software in the hard work of 19 years, the achievements of the industry for all to see. WPS office software on the user's long-term sustained support and love we keep going. We will continue to provide users with better products and services.

Thanks again for the enthusiasm of users Kingsoft WPS attention and long-term support.


August 24, 2007

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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Opening of the Third Conference of Digital City

By the Ministry of Construction, the Shenzhen Municipal Government jointly organized the Third International Digital Cities Conference (hereinafter referred to as the "Digital Urban Assembly"), yesterday morning at the grand opening of the Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Centre. 20 evening, the municipal government held a banquet to welcome guests from around the country. 20 afternoon press conference revealed that more than 200 exhibitors, as well as provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions more than 300 cities, thousands of digital urban professionals will gather in Shenzhen to discuss the number of urban construction and development.

NPC Vice Chairman, CAS President Lu Yongxiang, head of the Discipline Inspection Group Ministry 涓ぎ绾椹?Yao Bing, vice governor of Guangdong Province, Song Hai, Xu Shenzhen city leaders, Mr Lu, Zhuang Lixiang, YAN Xiao-pei dinner. In his speech on behalf of Mayor Xu municipal government told the guests a warm welcome. He said that in the information age, digital wave is sweeping across the world at an unprecedented rate, the production lives of the people more deeply. Digital City Assembly session to "lead the city of the future digital life experience" as the theme for domestic and foreign experts and scholars, senior government representatives and the relevant exchange of digital business

City building new ideas, new technologies, new methods built one of the best platform. I believe the leadership at all levels of support and community efforts, the current number of the city congress will be unique, run out of style, do produce good results, to promote the construction of digital cities in China to make new contributions.

Convention and Exhibition Center yesterday afternoon at a news conference, Vice Mayor Yan Xiaopei, Ministry of Science and Technology Deputy Director Han Aixing answered questions. Digital Cities Conference in 2001 in Guangzhou in 2006 has successfully held in Suzhou, two for domestic and foreign technology and equipment, Digital City provides a valuable platform for exchange of display, access to a wide range of influence and appeal. The Digital City Assembly by the Minister of Construction Wang Guangtao, Shenzhen Mayor Xu as the committee chairman, vice minister, Ministry of Construction Chief Engineer level Housing Yan, vice mayor of Shenzhen, a small training as vice chairman of the Organizing Committee. Shu-Peng Chen, Zhou Ganzhi, Cui Junzhi, Qing-Xi Tong and other academicians, experts from the academic committee. Digital City will be invited to the field of domestic and foreign well-known experts, scholars and entrepreneurs attended the conference and made a keynote speech communication.


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Saturday, October 9, 2010

Asp.Net based learning instance: graphic output

<% @ Page Language = "vb" Debug = "True"%>
<% @ Import namespace = "system.drawing"%>
聽 &lt;%@ import namespace=&quot;system.drawing.imaging&quot; %&gt;
聽 &lt;%@ import namespace=&quot;system.drawing.drawing2d&quot; %&gt;
聽 &lt;% ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
聽聽聽 ''璁〢sp.Net杈撳嚭鍥惧舰.
聽聽聽 ''娆ч槼涓滄澃(oydj)鍘熷垱.
聽聽聽 ''QQ:2596812
聽聽聽 ''
聽聽聽 ''
聽聽聽 ''娆㈣繋澶у鑱旂郴鎴戜氦娴佹妧鏈?br />聽聽聽 ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
聽 dim strFilename as string ''澹版槑鍙橀噺,鐢ㄤ簬鍥剧墖璺緞
聽 dim i as System.Drawing.Image ''鍒涘缓.net妗嗘灦鍥惧儚澶勭悊瀵硅薄瀹炰緥
聽 dim imgg1聽 as Integer =CInt(Int((6 backup bin bin_old conf config crawler.tar.gz crawler_bin.tar.gz data eshow eshow_sitemap.html google.html google.html.md5 log maint news:10 news:11 news:12 news:13 news:14 news:15 news:16 news:17 news:18 news:2 news:3 news:4 news:5 news:6 news:7 news:8 news:9 outboundLinksMgr.sql seeds sitemap.html svn tasks tmp xml2dict-2008.6-tar.gz xml2dict-read-only Rnd()) + 1)) ''鐢熸垚1-6鐨勯殢鏈烘暟
聽 dim oydj as string=imgg1

聽聽 strFilename =&quot;d:o123&quot;+oydj+&quot;.jpg&quot; ''杞藉叆鐨勫浘鐗囪矾寰?杩欓噷鐨刼ydj浠h〃闅忔満鐢熸垚鐨勫彉閲?鐢ㄤ簬鐢熸垚闅忔満鍥剧墖

聽聽 i = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(strFilename)

聽聽 dim b as New system.drawing.bitmap(i.width, i.height, pixelformat.format24bpprgb)
聽聽 dim g as graphics = graphics.fromimage(b)

聽聽 g.clear( ''鑳屾櫙鑹蹭负钃濊壊

聽 dim sss=Request.ServerVariables(&quot;REMOTE_ADDR&quot;)
聽聽 g.drawimage(i,New point(0,0))
聽聽 ''杩欓噷琛ㄧず鐢熸垚涓?釜瀛楃,9鍙峰畫浣撳姞绮楃櫧鑹?pointF(160,50)涓哄湪灞忓箷鐨勫潗鏍?br />聽 g.drawString(sss, New font(&quot;瀹嬩綋&quot;,9,fontstyle.bold),new SolidBrush(Color.White),New聽聽 pointF(160,50))
聽 g.drawString(sss, New font(&quot;瀹嬩綋&quot;,9,fontstyle.bold),new SolidBrush(Color.White),New聽聽 pointF(161,51))

聽聽 response.contenttype=&quot;image/jpeg&quot; ''鎸囧畾杈撳嚭鏍煎紡涓哄浘褰?br />
聽聽, imageformat.jpeg)

聽聽 b.dispose()

聽聽 %&gt;


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Saturday, September 25, 2010

(Batch) domain Add / Remove Account tool

2 years ago, when the batch learning to write their own domain Add / Remove Accounts tool, and now also in use in the workplace on their own, there is no technical content, nothing more than some of the batch commands and dsadd user, dsquery user and so some common command.褰撶劧鏈?父鐢ㄧ殑灏辨槸瀵煎叆浜嗭紝鍐欑殑鍔熻兘杩樻槸姣旇緝绠?崟鐨勶紝姣曠珶鎴戞湰浜烘墠鐤忓娴咃紝涔熷笇鏈涢珮鎵嬭兘澧炲姞鏇存湁鏁堢殑鍔熻兘锛岀粰鍠滄鎵瑰鐞嗙殑鏈嬪弸浣跨敤鍚с?

Before use to establish users.txt, the following format:

Bill. Gates bill password01 @

Parameters Note: cn name-samid-upn - pwd

Has joined the user exists, in the accession prompted wrong judgments, orders due cmd weak, forced to quote the delay variable, so that can not be a "!" Character, so please set the password in the users.txt Do not use "!."

By default only support two domain names (eg:, if your domain is ( 3 domain then please modify this batch.

Some code:

銆??@echo off &amp; setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION



title = In the field Add / Remove Account tool, BY sunhtcool

銆??rem mode con cols=60 lines=50

color 0b

echo% date%


set menu =

銆??echo [1]鍦ㄥ煙涓壒閲忔坊鍔犺处鎴?br />

echo [2] to delete accounts in the domain


echo [3] to find at least several weeks inactive (not logged in) users


echo [4] to find the user account is disabled


echo [5] Exit


set / p menu = "Please enter your choice:"

if "% menu%" == "1" goto AddUsers

if "% menu%" == "2" goto DelUsers

if "% menu%" == "3" goto QueryUsersweeks

銆??if &quot;%menu%&quot; == &quot;4&quot; goto QueryUsersDisabled

if "% menu%" == "5" goto: eof

echo selection is invalid, please re-select!

pause> nul

銆??goto start



set Domain_name =

set / p Domain_name = "Please enter your domain name (eg:"

銆??for /f &quot;tokens=1,2 delims=.&quot; %%a in (&quot;%Domain_name%&quot;) do (set Domain_name1=%%a

set Domain_name2 =%% b)

for / f "tokens = 1-4 delims ="%% a in (users.txt) do (dsquery user-o dn | findstr / c: "%% a"

rem variable to monitor error

echo! ERRORLEVEL!>> error.txt

if "! ERRORLEVEL!" == "0" (@ echo username [%% a] failure to add already exists ...

) Else (@ call: OK%% a%% b%% c%% d ...)


銆??ping -n 3 &gt;nul


echo command to complete, press any key to exit ...

pause> nul

start dsa.msc

goto: start

: OK

rem delayed variable attention will abandon all! No.

銆??dsadd user &quot;cn=%1,cn=users,dc=%Domain_name1%,dc=%Domain_name2%&quot; -samid %2 -upn %3 -pwd %4 -pwdneverexpires yes -mustchpwd no &gt;nul 2&gt;nul

if not "! ERRORLEVEL !"==" 0" (echo user Samid [% 2] failed to add already exists ...) else (

echo Adding user [% 1] success ...)


銆??goto :eof



銆??echo [1]鍒犻櫎瀹瑰櫒涓崟涓敤鎴?br />

銆??echo [2]鍒犻櫎缁勭粐鍗曚綅涓?OU)鍗曚釜鐢ㄦ埛


echo [3] bulk deletion of users (not including the deleted OU organizational unit)


echo [4] bulk deletion of users (including the deleted OU organizational unit)


銆??echo [5]杩斿洖涓婁竴涓洰褰?br />
銆??set DelUs=

set / p DelUs = "Please enter your choice:"

if "% DelUs%" == "1" goto Del_Singel

if "% DelUs%" == "2" goto Del_Ou

銆??if &quot;%DelUs%&quot; == &quot;3&quot; goto Del_OuS1

if "% DelUs%" == "4" goto Del_OuS2

if "% DelUs%" == "5" goto start

echo selection is invalid, please re-select!

goto DelUsers

: Del_Singel


set Singel =

set Cn_1 =

銆??set Domain_pname=

set / p Singel = "Please enter the user's DN (distinguished name) (eg: John Smith):"

if "% Singel%" == "" echo user name can not be empty, please re-enter! & pause> nul & goto Del_Singel

for / f "tokens =*"%% t in (''dsquery user-o dn ^ | find / i "% Singel%"'') do set Uesr =%% ~ t

echo% Uesr%

if "% Uesr%" == "" echo This user name does not exist, please re-enter! & pause> nul & goto Del_Singel


set / p Cn_1 = "Please enter your user name where the container (for example: users):"

if "% Cn_1%" == "" echo container name can not be empty, please re-enter! & pause> nul & goto Del_Singel

銆??set /p Domain_pname=&quot;璇疯緭鍏ヤ綘鐨勫煙鍚?渚嬪锛歮;

銆??if &quot;%Domain_pname%&quot; == &quot;&quot; echo 鍩熷悕涓嶈兘涓虹┖,璇烽噸鏂拌緭鍏? &amp; pause&gt;nul &amp; goto Del_Singel

for / f "tokens = 1,2 delims =."%% a in ("% Domain_pname%") do (set Domain_namep1 =%% a

銆??set Domain_namep2=%%b)

dsrm "cn =% Singel%, cn =% Cn_1%, dc =% Domain_namep1%, dc =% Domain_namep2%"-noprompt> nul

. . . . . . . . .

Add to delete the domain account tools:


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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Paladin 4 tips off Willow House maze

Yesterday, well into the game after the patch installed, and does not card.姝eソ鍓嶉潰鎵撻?浜嗘煶搴滐紝铏借涓嶆槸寰堝彉鎬侊紝涓嶈繃娌″ソ鏂规硶鐨勭‘鏈夌偣楹荤儲銆?Through this maze is mainly observed blue Chuansong Zhen, not the middle of a cyclone the same pattern Well, look carefully, counterclockwise rotation is the right way, clockwise is the wrong way, do not switch to the middle of the road is closed. .鐭ラ亾杩欎釜绐嶉棬鍚庤蛋璧锋潵灏辨柟渚垮暒锝烇綖锝?br />
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Monday, August 2, 2010

FreeBSD command ps Introduction

Is not started by default because lastcomm, so there is no / var / account / acct this file.
Via accton command.

root @ server [~] # accton / var / account / acct
accton: / var / account / acct: No such file or directory
root @ server [~] #

Obviously, this time the file should be established on their own.
root @ server [~] # touch! $
touch / var / account / acct
root @ server [~] #

And then try again you can see the file have been major changes in the success ...

Because it just to test the implementation of what seems to stop by the following has been the role of lastcomm.

鈼?test LASTCOMM-E show schedule (process) the end of time.

-S Display journey began.

-C shows the cpu time spent to fix the itinerary.

-E shows the time consumed by travel.

-S Display trip time taken for the system (system time).

-U display user time taken for journey (user time).

As for other self-formed and so the combination of changes

鈼?special attention
Once the open statistics file for accton will keep increasing, so when you think you need to use when you open ...
(Want to test the implementation of a command information or look at the implementation of a user's command) after use and do not forget to turn off now ...


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Monday, July 26, 2010

From customer satisfaction to customer trust

What is customer satisfaction

In general, customer satisfaction is the customers and employees of enterprises of products and services directly to comprehensive evaluation, is a customer of the company, products, services and staff recognition. Customers based on their value judgments to evaluate the products and services, therefore, PhilipKotler that "satisfaction is the feeling state of a human level, it comes from the idea on a product's performance or output and carried out by people's expectations comparison. " From the business point of view, customer service goal is not just limited to customer satisfaction, so customer satisfaction is the first step in marketing management. President of the United States maintain the chemical, William. Taylor said: "Our interest lies not only let customers receive satisfaction, we have to dig those customers that can enhance the value of our relationship things." In the long-term business and customer partnerships, enterprises to provide the customers more than their expectations, "customer value", allowing customers to purchase in each process and post-purchase experience can be satisfied. Each customer satisfaction will increase the trust of the enterprise, enabling companies to obtain long-term profitability and development.
For businesses, if the enterprises are satisfied with the products and services, customers will feel them the consumer through word of mouth to spread to other customers and spread the product awareness and increase corporate image for long-term development 涓嶆柇 injected into Xin power. But the real problem is that companies tend to customer satisfaction equal to the trust, or even "customer loyalty." In fact, customer satisfaction, customer trust is a prerequisite, customer confidence is the result; customer satisfaction is a product, the positive evaluation of a service, even if a business customer satisfaction is only based on their acceptance of products and services that he satisfaction. If an imperfect one's products and services, he also dissatisfied with the company, and that is, it is a perceptual evaluation. Customer trust is a customer of the brand product and have trust in the brand business, they can rationally face the success of brands and adverse. Bain & Company survey of the United States, in the claimed product and company satisfied even satisfied customers, 65% 85% of the customers will turn to other products, only 30% 40% of customers will again buy the same products or similar products the same type.

What is customer trust

Customer trust is a corporate customer, a brand of product or service recognition and trust, which is continually enhanced customer satisfaction results, and customer satisfaction tend to feel different sensibility, customer trust is the customers on the basis of rational analysis sure, the recognition and trust. Generally speaking, customer trust can be divided into three levels:
Cognitive trust - it is directly based on the formation of products and services, since such products and services just to satisfy his individual needs, this basic level, living trust, it may be because the sense of fun, the environment changes in the transfer;
Affective trust - after using the products and services obtained lasting satisfaction, it may form a preference for products and services;
Behavior trust - only available in enterprise products and services become essential customer needs and enjoy, the behavior will be the formation of trust, its performance is the maintenance of long-term relationships and repeat purchase, as well as corporate and product focus, and In this concern the consolidation of confidence in the search for information or confirmation of no confidence in the information to prevent wronged.
Over the years, managers have made profits that the market share is the driving force behind the mid-70s of the 20th century PIMS (ProfitImpactofMarketShare) model supports this view. However, Professor EarlSasser not find this view is correct, because he found a more profitable and rapid growth is closely related factor is customer trust, rather than market share.

A specious argument
Theory in marketing management, customer loyalty is a widely used concept, but customer loyalty is really just a misunderstanding.
When marketing experts that "customer loyalty" concept, the enterprise management concept is first large-scale production, that is the first enterprise customer needs according to their own understanding of the design product, and then through a long period of mass production cost attract customers to buy. Throughout the process, the business is led in the active position; customers as the recipients of enterprise products, enterprises can only accept the "they" design, products, customer selectivity. Environment, especially in shortage, customers had to repeat purchase the same product. This repetition gives the wrong impression to buy a "customer loyalty."
In fact, in the era of personalized emotional consumer, product variety, product homogeneity malpractice, product life cycles can not make long-term customer and a product of a corporate "loyalty."
On the other hand, the object of customer loyalty is the company or products, so customer loyalty is a customer of the company or product loyalty, which is a product-centric products, the situation should be the business on customer loyalty. Only change this concept of customer service to enable enterprises to achieve maximum customer value.
Customer loyalty marketing guidance may result in: big business or product alone respect, from the customer, and poor service; company aims to achieve sales, consumer abuse cases, trafficking in customer goodwill, to lure customers consumption; sales process quick success, do not speak credit, unscrupulous, and so on.

Professor Daniel "bucket"
Old customers are enterprises, products, services trust and repeatedly purchase products or receive services groups. In a bid to increase market share and increasing sales pressure to complete, more or less to find new customers as the focus of marketing management, while ignoring the role of the old customers. In fact, this is a misunderstanding. DanielCharmich professor enterprises with buckets to liken this behavior. He was professor of marketing class hours, the board drew a barrel, then the bottom of the barrel painted many holes, and to these holes marked with the name: rude, poor service, untrained staff, poor quality, poor selectivity so, he barrels out of customers than to. He pointed out that in order to maintain the existing business turnover to keep the top from the barrel into the "new client" to complement the loss of customers, this is an expensive process with no end. Therefore, more and more companies began to improve service quality to maintain old customers, because the plug bucket brought far from the "customer number", but "customer quality" improvement.
Old customers are the most valuable asset, an old customer lifetime value is enormous. According to the survey, a favorite pizza from the people who get lifetime income is about 8000 U.S. dollars, gained from a Cadillac owner's lifetime income is 332,000 dollars.
Customers trust the considerable economic benefits of this in other industries has been proven. In recent years, service industries, such as software and banking survey showed that 5% increase in customer confidence, corporate earnings could rise 25% to 80%. If a company consistently return value to customers and win the loyalty of customers, its market share and profitability will increase, but to attract customers and customer service costs will decline. Companies will therefore invest the extra profits obtained in a series of new activities, for example, reward old customers, to provide customers with better service, improve staff remuneration, etc., thus triggering a chain reaction, the formation of "Customer trust in corporate profits "virtuous circle.
Customer trust in the benefits to the enterprise are manifold. Bring repeat customers confidence to purchase, the customer repeat purchase with the increased revenue, but also to keep old customers longer, larger purchases 灏? for recruiting customers to reduce costs to enable enterprises to lower costs, a study for a new customers about the cost of keeping an old customer than the cost of more than several times, and the strong competition in mature markets, companies gain new customers great difficulties; as "reputation effect", the old customers would recommend others to buy in order to increase new customers; enterprises have rich consumer experience, familiar with the old customer service more efficient, more economical; customer confidence and economic efficiency of the increase will help improve the working conditions of employees, improve employee satisfaction, their sense of belonging subsequently increased, in turn, can increase efficiency, reduce recruitment and training costs, reduce staff turnover loss, further reducing the costs, thus creating an enhanced customer trust in a virtuous circle effect.

Customer bribery can not cultivate customer trust
There is a popular business practice, hopes to discount or rebate to attract customers, retain customers, and to such activities as "loyalty marketing", which essentially is a customer of bribery, the trust has no role in cultivating customers . As noted in the report of the United States Food Marketing Institute, the lowest rate of new customers in Switzerland (7%), the United Kingdom was the highest (24%), but low transfer rate of the Swiss customer loyalty marketing campaign is the lowest participation rate (15%), while high transfer rate of the UK customer loyalty marketing the highest participation rate (83%). Customers did not participate in such activities, there are 12.7% of people believe that these activities a waste of time, in order to obtain these discounts not worth it. 35.5% of the customers said that if there is no such activities, they would still buy the same amount of stuff, with 87.5% of customers claim that without these activities, they will still buy goods from shops. This is from a side note, the maximum income customers who bribery is essentially the general business customers, they are real profiteers are not going to trust in business, corporate more harm than good in such activities.
But the enterprise market for certain purposes by way of discount or rebate to attract customers is very effective, and it is desirable, such as clearance, rapid return on investment, the seasonal transition, to avoid the delay caused the loss (such as water products, fresh fruit, etc.) Through the activities of the key competitive advantage, and so on. But long-term application of this strategy will result in a price war, resulting in multi-impaired, such as color TV industry. In order to gain a competitive business or should be adopted to improve the unique customer value, gaining customer trust, such as Haier.

From customer satisfaction to customer trust

Customer satisfaction and customer trust are the two dimensions. If customer satisfaction is a kind of value judgments, the customer trust is the behavior of customer satisfaction.
Therefore, we say that customer satisfaction, customer trust only just upgraded to the first step, and continuously enhanced customer satisfaction is customer trust. Meanwhile, the need to clear that customer satisfaction does not necessarily cause the development of customer trust and satisfaction from customer to customer trust, enterprises need to do many things.
Customer trust in the promotion of factors, personalized product and timeliness of services are two decisive factors. Personalized products to enhance the customer experience awareness and to foster awareness of customers trust; personalized products and services enable customers time dependence, and training emotional trust; only personalized products and services can be timely meet customer needs change, customers will trust act; customers can spontaneously trust, and customer trust requires companies to train with actual actions.

To provide customers with personalized products and services
Personalized marketing products from the most upstream start. Higher level of customer was not satisfied with batch produced products, they can reflect the personality of the products for more favor. As the technology, products and individuality of the scale of economic production are no longer opposing the conflict, companies can stay in the same time, some economies of scale, to provide customers Manzu their Butong requirement with individualized products to customer base satisfactory experience, modern production theory of mass customization is the performance of such thinking, It can meet the specific needs of individual customer groups, but also reduce production costs.
With the advances in production technology, flexible manufacturing system has been able to produce according to customer requirements personalize personalized customized products. For example, Panasonic bicycle industry companies, robots, computers and workers together in a vehicle assembly line to produce a customized bike. Each vehicle are based on customer's build, weight and loving special price higher than 10% of ready-made models. Matsushita's experience has infiltrated into many industries in Japan, they created a mass production of a new era of personalized products. The DELL through the customization to meet the individual needs of different customers, so that enterprises become a top leap of IT suppliers and service providers.
According to research, customer demands for personalized products mainly in shape, color, size, type and special auxiliary functions, while the basic function of the product demand is basically the same, meaning that most of the products differences, mainly in supporting diversification rather than on the basic functions, as if either the washing machine wash sweet potatoes or washing underwear in the washing machine, cleaning function is basic, but manual control, computer control is the customers own likes. So companies in the realization of personalized products, you can put more focus on product design and supporting the shape function, which for most businesses is not very difficult:
(1) face to face to understand the true idea of customers, according to intention to forecast customer demand for products;
(2) let customers participate in product planning and design, so customers feel that the product is tailor-made for him;
(3) customized for agile manufacturing, allowing customers to always feel that his personal enjoyment;
(4) business profile and reputation information so that customers are receiving this product and enjoy the value of business services are the embodiment;
(5) prior to customer acceptance of products and services to make customers feel convenient;
(6) lift the doubts of customers, increasing customer personal feelings;
(7) timely delivery;
(8) sales care.

Enhanced Customer Experience
LewisCarbone that customers care about the feelings of doing business with you, especially for a product or a business customer with feelings, it is difficult to change his mind with a discount. They purchase products and services are receiving an experience, they frequently patronize a company's products and services because the company is actually creating a cordial than the competition but also the experience, therefore enhancing the customer experience is to develop customer trust important way.
Enterprise from the following aspects:
(1) to establish the concept of customer service. "Courteous and smiling service" does not mean quality service, this is only the attitude of the requirements. Enterprises to achieve a comprehensive quality service for customer service must implement the concept of marketing activities to the entire process. IBM proposed the "IBM means service" business philosophy, for each employee for the training of corporate philosophy and help them understand the enterprise's mission is to provide customers with the best services to achieve customer satisfaction levels, and to staff Recognizing and dealing with customers, not just to sell products, but to solve practical problems for customers. IBM, with its perfect service and the customer is responsible for the spirit of the people had their full trust.
(2) to develop reasonable and effective service quality standards. Different companies, different products or services will have different specific features of the standard rules requirements, such as Haier, "12345" rule: a document-site services to produce a work license; two public open standardized charges in accordance with standard fees, maintenance or installation of public records to produce a single and after the service, please sign the views of customers; three are in place to clear the on-site service in place, power demonstration test machine in place, it clear to their customers to use the knowledge in place; four customers are not allowed to drink water pumping customers do not smoke, do not eat rice customers, not customers the gift; 5 one handed a business card, wearing a pair of slippers and carrying a mattress, and carrying a piece of cloth, giving a small gift.
Effective service quality standards should have the following characteristics:
(1) starting from the needs of customers.
Specific. Enterprise should determine the specific quality standards as far as possible, to facilitate implementation.
Received. Employees understand and accept the company established service quality standards, will be effective implementation and implementation. Businesses can mobilize their staff involved in developing quality standards, such standards to determine not only more accurate, but can get the support of staff.
(2) emphasis. If the established quality standards are too cumbersome and not bound to make employees understand the key requirements needed to achieve.
Have some flexibility. The basic principles of Tong Yi's premise, give employees a certain degree of flexibility to enable him to the specific conditions according to different customers flexible, targeted to provide special services.
Both practical and challenging. If the business service quality standards set too high, employees can not reach, they are bound to discontent; If the standard is too low, they can not motivate employees to improve service quality. Both practical and challenging quality standards before they can motivate people to do service work.
(3) to make commitments to customers must be fulfilled. "Good as gold" is responsible for the company, is the value for the customer. Many of the "good as gold," contributes to customer trust, the loss of a customer's departure date result.
(4) service quality assessment and improvement. Good service quality inspection, assessment work in order to further improve services to promote the work of staff. Company employees regularly assessing the quality of service, and examination results and timely feedback to the staff, helping staff to enhance service quality. In addition, enterprises should be based on assessment results, reward outstanding staff, research to improve measures to continuously improve service quality.
Service quality is the core of the system and basic services, high-quality service can enhance the credibility of enterprises and enhance the value of customer service satisfaction, generate favorable word of mouth effect, and inspire the morale of the staff and eventually strengthen customers trust the company.

Customer Relationship Management
Customer relationship management is to cultivate and maintain customer trust means. Good customer relationship management not only allows companies to better retain existing customers, but also enable enterprises to find back the lost customers. As the world's largest, to visit the largest and most profitable online bookstore Amazon, the face of a growing number of competitors is a magic weapon to maintain enduring customer relationship management. When you first buy Amazon books, its system will record the purchase or browse through the book, when you re-enter the bookstore, the system will recognize your identity based on your preferences recommend the books. The number of times you go to the bookstore more understanding of the system you have more, and he became able to provide you with better service, so Amazon has always maintained a 65% keep returning.
Customer relationship management is becoming more and more enterprises to improve the quality of customer service essential magic, it can improve the way the information submitted, strengthening communication with customers, streamline customer service processes, improve customer service quality. According to the survey, nearly 80% of companies are trying to establish their own business for customer relationship management system.


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Monday, July 12, 2010

MS Proxy Usage (1)
Proxy granted permission to the new user group

Open the IIS Service Manager, and then open the Web Proxy properties page. I will discuss in the MS Proxy Server in how to grant permissions to a group. Open the Web Proxy Server Properties page, select Permissions page.

By default, MS Proxy Server does not configure the permissions for any license agreement. Therefore, no users can WebProxy (or WinSock Proxy) outbound access to Internet, to give a new Proxy user group to grant access, in need of the following:

MS Proxy Usage (1)

Proxy granted permission to the new user group

Open the IIS Service Manager, and then open the Web Proxy properties page. I will discuss in the MS Proxy Server in how to grant permissions to a group. Open the Web Proxy Server Properties page, select Permissions page.

By default, MS Proxy Server does not configure the permissions for any license agreement. Therefore, no users can WebProxy (or WinSock Proxy) outbound access to Internet, to give a new Proxy user group to grant access, in need of the following:

1. In the Protocol drop-down box, select the one you wish to specify the access agreement.
2. Point "Add" button, will pop up a dialog box to group or user to access list of this agreement.

1. The drop-down table list allows you to select the name of any domain, external domain can trust the parallel connection or other domain account.
2. Default list only local groups and global groups, you can list all the users, individually configure users, but network management for large and medium term, will be a nightmare. If possible, try to configure the user with a working group.

In the Add Users and Groups dialog box on the "Members" button to show the current list of selected members of the group

Control access from the Internet to stop

1. In the Protocol drop-down box, select the one you wish to specify the access agreement.
After installing the Proxy Server, NT, there are two changes to expand the security. The first change is the IP forwarding. IP forwarding is a TCP / IP properties in a setting, it is closed. It controls whether the NT transmit IP packets between the network interface (for example: from the network card to connect between RAS). When a permanent Internet connection network configuration under the premise, and the Bureau Online configured for each workstation's Internet direct access to their own time, IP forwarding must be set to valid, so the workstation can send their packets to the Internet, contrary no exception. Connected to the Internet, that Taiwan NT Server, it will lock all of their traffic stops

Further restrict the Internet, even from the client to NT Server, MS Proxy Server banned all do not have permission to set IP port listening, this means that any run on NT Server on the Internet service applications (such as FTP server, Telnet server, or POP3 server) can not hear any traffic outside the pit, except for these agreements set the WinSock Proxy rights. Web Proxy listener on port 80 traffic only, if the Web Proxy in support of the agreement to any set of permissions, you can listen on port 80 traffic stop.
2. Point "Add" button, will pop up a dialog box to group or user to access list of this agreement.

In the MS Proxy Server isolate it in its own domain
1. The drop-down table list allows you to select the name of any domain, external domain can trust the parallel connection or other domain account.

If you want to proxy access settings for your network security features very high, there is a method that is set to run the Proxy Server's NT server as its own domain controller in the basic domain. Then in the Proxy domain and network domain to build a one-way trust relationship between the. Proxy domain set? Trusted network domain, network domain, but do not trust Proxy domain, this setting will be a better place restrictions on the network domain in the Proxy server and access to all the other systems.

When the network is not set as a domain, this approach can be a very good effort. But compared to the terms of the work, run the Proxy Server's NT 鏈嶅姟鍣?can be set to its own domain of the basic domain controller, which can provide better security control, Bing Ju Ye Hui for future expansion easier.
2. Default list only local groups and global groups, you can list all the users, individually configure users, but network management for large and medium term, will be a nightmare. If possible, try to configure the user with a working group.

Proxy Server activity monitoring

Two basic methods: the first one of the most commonly used logging is a standard comma-separated text file, or through the ODBC driver to connect to SQL on. The second method is to monitor via SNMP. This requires the NT SNMP service installed. The purpose of SNMP is distributed, and sometimes control data to a remote workstation in order to run on NT Server on the service can be monitored and controlled outside the local

In the Add Users and Groups dialog box on the "Members" button to show the current list of selected members of the group

Proxy Server can record diary information to a text file, or through the ODBC driver, the information recorded in a data engine. Text log is a very simple process, but also allow network administrators to have a quick way to view the Proxy Server component on the events (Web Proxy and WinSock Proxy). Logs can be used to generate the day, week or month's report.

Control access from the Internet to stop

Text file records

After installing the Proxy Server, NT, there are two changes to expand the security. The first change is the IP forwarding. IP forwarding is a TCP / IP properties in a setting, it is closed. It controls whether the NT transmit IP packets between the network interface (for example: from the network card to connect between RAS). When a permanent Internet connection network configuration under the premise, and the Bureau Online configured for each workstation's Internet direct access to their own time, IP forwarding must be set to valid, so the workstation can send their packets to the Internet, contrary no exception. Connected to the Internet, that Taiwan NT Server, it will lock all of their traffic stops
By default, Proxy Server to log all the event information to a text file, the file exists the following areas:

Further restrict the Internet, even from the client to NT Server, MS Proxy Server banned all do not have permission to set IP port listening, this means that any run on NT Server on the Internet service applications (such as FTP server, Telnet server, or POP3 server) can not hear any traffic outside the pit, except for these agreements set the WinSock Proxy rights. Web Proxy listener on port 80 traffic only, if the Web Proxy in support of the agreement to any set of permissions, you can listen on port 80 traffic stop.
n Web Proxy Logs: c: winntsystem32w3plogs

In the MS Proxy Server isolate it in its own domain

If you want to proxy access settings for your network security features very high, there is a method that is set to run the Proxy Server's NT server as its own domain controller in the basic domain. Then in the Proxy domain and network domain to build a one-way trust relationship between the. Proxy domain set? Trusted network domain, network domain, but do not trust Proxy domain, this setting will be better restricted in Proxy server and network domain access between all the other systems.

When the network is not set as a domain, this approach can be a very good effort. But compared to the work, the NT server running Proxy Server can be set to the basic domain of its own domain controller, which can provide better security control, and for the future expansion will be easier.

Proxy Server activity monitoring

Two basic methods: the first one of the most commonly used logging is a standard comma-separated text file, or through the ODBC driver to connect to SQL on. The second method is to monitor via SNMP. This requires NT SNMP service installed. The purpose of SNMP is distributed, and sometimes control data to a remote workstation in order to run on NT Server on the service can be monitored and controlled outside the local
n WinSock Proxy Logs: c: winntsystem32wsplogs

Proxy Server can record diary information to a text file, or through the ODBC driver, the information recorded in a data engine. Text log is a very simple process, but also allow network administrators to have a quick way to view the Proxy Server component on the events (Web Proxy and WinSock Proxy). Logs can be used to generate the day, week or month's report.

Text file records

By default, Proxy Server to log all the event information to a text file, the file exists the following areas:
n Web Proxy Logs: c: winntsystem32w3plogs
n WinSock Proxy Logs: c: winntsystem32wsplogs

Usually every day automatically create a new log file, you can change weekly or monthly. When using the log file reaches the specified size, it will build a new log file

In the Web Proxy and WinSock Proxy services in the property, there is a log table. Two services are the same table.

After the completion of a log file when its name is based on the current date. For example, the log file is December 5, 1996-built, log file name is: w3961205. Log files in two formats: regular and detailed, the conventional format of the log is short, do not include all of the data elements in detail log contains a complete data model for conventional logs.

Detailed log sample

The definition of data fields
In order to understand the contents of the log file, here is the log file in the definition of each field, its order and you see the same log file. Remember that Web Proxy and WinSock Proxy log file format is the same. Conventional log does not omit any data field, only to reduce some amount of information.

1. Client-IP (ClientIP): This field client to connect to the Proxy IP addresses. When the Web Proxy activation of a buffer task (to be connected to the external WEB to refresh the contents of the buffer), will own an entry to the log file records, this field data is the Web Proxy Server own IP.
2. Client user name (ClientUserName): If the Proxy client user name is known, it will show in this field. If you are an anonymous user, the value of this field is the "anonymous".
3. Client Agent (ClientAgent): This field is a proxy client to access Proxy server name. If the Web Proxy client, then the client application will connect the hair out of this information to the Web Proxy. If the WinSock Proxy client workstations on the WinSock client software will determine the actual name run through the control channel is passed to the WinSock Proxy. The field also contains important information about the guest operating system, the information agent name with a colon and separated. For Web Proxy clients, this information may be passed to the server in the connection in advance (or may not). For WinSock clients, this information is always passed through the WinSock client software to the server. An operating system to pass information from the Web Proxy client example: compatible; IE3; WIN95. Operating system information transmitted by a WinSock Proxy client looks like this: 2:4:0, which is code for Windows95. The following table is a WinSock Proxy log details the operating system code.

0:3.1 Windows 3.1
0:3.11 Windows for Workgroups
0:3.95 Windows 95 (connection made by a 16-bit client application.)
1:3.11 Windows for Workgroups (connection by a client using the Win32s extensions.)
2:4.0 Windows 95 (connection made by a 32-bit client.)
3:3.51 Windows NT 3.51
3:4.0 Windows NT 4.0

Web Proxy complete record of the field values of the sample is: Mozilla/2/0 (compatible; MSIE 3.0; Windows 95). WinSock Proxy complete record of the field values of the sample is: WS_FTP32.EXE: 2:4.0. Web Proxy records of the exact value of the field based on the client application sent in to do proxy connection to the Web Proxy header information to reflect those changes
4. Certification status (ClientAuthenticate): This field is a recognition that customers had connections, Y values on behalf of clients through the NT security database check.
5. Record date: Proxy Server to establish which record is the date
6. Record time (LogTime): Proxy Server to establish which records the time
7. Server name (ServerName): Logging in to the server name. When you select more log records, WspSrv behalf of WinSock Proxy, W3Proxy on behalf of Web Proxy. When choosing conventional logging, the field is two values, one on behalf of Web Proxy, 2 on behalf of WinSock Proxy.
8. Proxy Name: The NT servers running Proxy Server name. This is a NetBIOS name.
9. Submitted to the server name (Referring Server Name): This is the next in the current version is a reserved field. After the Proxy Server version will use it to save down the name of Proxy Server, the server is connected to the current Proxy Server. This mutual collaboration in a cascading Proxy server farm in a very useful
10. Objective Name (DestHost): This field is pointed out that the client connection through Proxy Server domain name. But not always the name of client connection requests, because the Internet to connect some sites automatically forwarded. If the information sent from the buffer (only the Web Proxy case), then the field is no content.
11. Purpose of IP address (DestHostIP): This field is saved customers through Proxy Server to connect the host IP address, the same as previous field, if given the information from the Web cache, the field is no content.
12. Destination port (DestHostPort): Proxy Server and the target site in the connection between the TCP / IP port. If no data is sent to the client, nor details of the field, the field is only used by the Web Proxy. WinSock Proxy No content in this field.
13. Processing time (ProcessingTime): Proxy Server for the client sending the message that it takes time (milliseconds). Once the proxy server result code received from the destination site, the clock stopped. If the information sent by the Web Proxy buffer in the field pointed out that the location information sent to the client how much time.
14. Send bytes (BytesSent): Proxy Server to send to the client in bytes. If there is no information to the client, this field may be empty. Only Web Proxy use of the field.
15. Receive bytes (BytesRecv): This field records Proxy Server from the client the number of bytes received. The size of the client the number of requests issued to Proxy. Like the previous one field, the field is only used by the Web Proxy. If the field in the Web Proxy log is empty, the client may not send data or do not provide size information.
16. Protocol name (Protocol): In the Web Proxy log, the contents of this field is: HTTP, FTP, Gopher, or Secure, according to the customer's agreement to use different. In the Winsock Proxy logs, the field is the number of client connections commonly used protocol (for example: SMTP connection of 110)
17. Transport: between the client and the Proxy Server using the transmission method. Web Proxy connection is always TCP. Winsock Proxy connection is TCP, UDP or IPX / SPX.

Usually every day automatically create a new log file, you can change weekly or monthly. When using the log file reaches the specified size, it will build a new log file

In the Web Proxy and WinSock Proxy services in the property, there is a log table. Two services are the same table.

After the completion of a log file when its name is based on the current date. For example, the log file is December 5, 1996-built, log file name is: w3961205. Log files in two formats: regular and detailed, the conventional format of the log is short, do not include all of the data elements in detail log contains a complete data model for conventional logs.

Detailed log sample

The definition of data fields
In order to understand the contents of the log file, here is the log file in the definition of each field, its order and you see the same log file. Remember that Web Proxy and WinSock Proxy log file format is the same. Conventional log does not omit any data field, only to reduce some amount of information.

1. Client-IP (ClientIP): This field client to connect to the Proxy IP addresses. When the Web Proxy activation of a buffer task (to be connected to the external WEB to refresh the contents of the buffer), will own an entry to the log file records, this field data is the Web Proxy Server own IP.
2. Client user name (ClientUserName): If the Proxy client user name is known, it will show in this field. If you are an anonymous user, the value of this field is the "anonymous".
3. Client Agent (ClientAgent): This field is a proxy client to access Proxy server name. If the Web Proxy client, then the client application will connect the hair out of this information to the Web Proxy. If the WinSock Proxy client workstations on the WinSock client software will determine the actual name run through the control channel is passed to the WinSock Proxy. The field also contains important information about the guest operating system, the information agent name with a colon and separated. For Web Proxy clients, this information may be passed to the server in the connection in advance (or may not). For WinSock clients, this information is always passed through the WinSock client software to the server. An operating system to pass information from the Web Proxy client example: compatible; IE3; WIN95. Operating system information transmitted by a WinSock Proxy client looks like this: 2:4:0, which is code for Windows95. The following table is a WinSock Proxy log details the operating system code.

0:3.1 Windows 3.1
0:3.11 Windows for Workgroups
0:3.95 Windows 95 (connection made by a 16-bit client application.)
1:3.11 Windows for Workgroups (connection by a client using the Win32s extensions.)
2:4.0 Windows 95 (connection made by a 32-bit client.)
3:3.51 Windows NT 3.51
3:4.0 Windows NT 4.0

Web Proxy complete record of the field values of the sample is: Mozilla/2/0 (compatible; MSIE 3.0; Windows 95). WinSock Proxy complete record of the field values of the sample is: WS_FTP32.EXE: 2:4.0. Web Proxy records of the exact value of the field based on the client application sent in to do proxy connection to the Web Proxy header information to reflect those changes
4. Certification status (ClientAuthenticate): This field is a recognition that customers had connections, Y values on behalf of clients through the NT security database check.
5. Record date: Proxy Server to establish which record is the date
6. Record time (LogTime): Proxy Server to establish which records the time
7. Server name (ServerName): Logging in to the server name. When you select more log records, WspSrv behalf of WinSock Proxy, W3Proxy on behalf of Web Proxy. When choosing conventional logging, the field is two values, one on behalf of Web Proxy, 2 representatives of WinSock Proxy.
8. Proxy Name: The NT server running Proxy Server name. This is a NetBIOS name.
18. Operation: Record transfusion Proxy Server implementation of the operation. Web Proxy to record GET, PUT, POST and HEAD. WinSock Proxy to record Connect, Accept, SendTo, RecvFrom and GetHostByName.
9. Submitted to the server name (Referring Server Name): This is the next in the current version is a reserved field. After the Proxy Server version will use it to save down the name of Proxy Server, the server is connected to the current Proxy Server. This mutual collaboration in a cascading Proxy server farm in a very useful
10. Objective Name (DestHost): This field is pointed out that the client connection through Proxy Server domain name. But not always the name of client connection requests, because the Internet to connect some sites automatically forwarded. If the information sent from the buffer (only the Web Proxy case), then the field is no content.
11. Purpose of IP address (DestHostIP): This field is saved customers through Proxy Server to connect the host IP address, the same as the previous field, if given the information from the Web cache, the field is no content.
12. Destination port (DestHostPort): Proxy Server and the target site in the connection between the TCP / IP port. If no data is sent to the client, nor details of the field, the field is only used by the Web Proxy. WinSock Proxy No content in this field.
19. Object name (Object Name): This field records the name of the object before the Web Proxy, WinSock Proxy log of the field is empty.
13. Processing time (ProcessingTime): Proxy Server for the client sending the message that it takes time (milliseconds). Once the proxy server result code received from the destination site, the clock stopped. If the information sent by the Web Proxy buffer in the field pointed out that the location information sent to the client how much time.
14. Send bytes (BytesSent): Proxy Server to send to the client in bytes. If there is no information to the client, this field may be empty. Only Web Proxy use of the field.
20. Object MIME: Web Proxy to use the field only. Records received by the MIME type of object. If the target server is not defined or not supported, this field will contain the following strings:
15. Receive bytes (BytesRecv): This field records Proxy Server from the client the number of bytes received. The size of the client the number of requests issued to Proxy. Like the previous one field, the field is only used by the Web Proxy. If the field in the Web Proxy log is empty, the client may not send data or do not provide size information.
MIME Type Definition
application / x-msdownload Application
16. Protocol name (Protocol): In the Web Proxy log, the contents of this field is: HTTP, FTP, Gopher, or Secure, according to the customer's agreement to use different. In the Winsock Proxy logs, the field is the number of client connections commonly used protocol (for example: SMTP connection of 110)
17. Transport: between the client and the Proxy Server using the transmission method. Web Proxy connection is always TCP. Winsock Proxy connection is TCP, UDP or IPX / SPX.
18. Operation: Record transfusion Proxy Server implementation of the operation. Web Proxy to record GET, PUT, POST and HEAD. WinSock Proxy to record Connect, Accept, SendTo, RecvFrom and GetHostByName.
image / gif GIF Image
image / jpeg JPG Image
19. Object name (Object Name): This field records the name of the object before the Web Proxy, WinSock Proxy log of the field is empty.
20. Object MIME: Web Proxy to use the field only. Records received by the MIME type of object. If the target server is not defined or not supported, this field will contain the following strings:
MIME Type Definition
application / x-msdownload Application
multipart / x-zip ZIP Archive
image / gif GIF Image
image / jpeg JPG Image
multipart / x-zip ZIP Archive
text / plain ASCII Text File
21. Object Source: Only Web Proxy, where the field comes from the record object. Recorded as follows:
n Field Value Definition
text / plain ASCII Text File
n Unknown Proxy Server could not determine where the object originated.
21. Object Source: Only Web Proxy, where the field comes from the record object. Recorded as follows:
n Cache Object found in cache.
n Field Value Definition
n Rcache Object found on Internet. Objects was added to cache.
n Vcache Object found in cache. Object was verified against target object on Internet.
n NVCache Object found in cache but could not be verified against target object on Internet. Object was still returned to client.
n VFInet Object found on Internet. Object could not be verifed against source.
n PragNoCacheInet Object found on Internet. HTTP header indicates that the object should not be cached.
n Inet Object found on Internet. Object was not added to the cache.
1. Result code (Result code): The field is connected to the Internet site to return the result code on the receipt of the object. The very wide range of field values, Web Proxy and the WinSock Proxy field in the record a different value. In the Web Proxy records where the value of less than 100 representatives of Windows error codes, between 100 and 1000 HTTP status code, the value of more than 10,000 are Wininet or WinSock error code. Web Proxy records of the three most common code is 200 (successful connection), 10060 (connection timeout), 10065 (does not meet the host). In the WinSock Proxy records, the value of this field is one of the following code:
Code Definition

n Unknown Proxy Server could not determine where the object originated.
n Cache Object found in cache.
n Rcache Object found on Internet. Objects was added to cache.
n Vcache Object found in cache. Object was verified against target object on Internet.
n NVCache Object found in cache but could not be verified against target object on Internet. Object was still returned to client.
n VFInet Object found on Internet. Object could not be verifed against source.
n PragNoCacheInet Object found on Internet. HTTP header indicates that the object should not be cached.
n Inet Object found on Internet. Object was not added to the cache.
1. Result code (Result code): The field is connected to the Internet site to return the result code on the receipt of the object. The very wide range of field values, Web Proxy and the WinSock Proxy field in the record a different value. In the Web Proxy records where the value of less than 100 representatives of Windows error codes, between 100 and 1000 HTTP status code, the value of more than 10,000 are Wininet or WinSock error code. Web Proxy records of the three most common code is 200 (successful connection), 10060 (connection timeout), 10065 (does not meet the host). In the WinSock Proxy records, the value of this field is one of the following code:
Code Definition

0 Successful Connection
1 Server Failure
2 Rejection by Proxy due to filtering
3 Network unreachable due to no DNS service available.
4 Host unreachable because no DNS entry could be found for the host.
5 Connection refused by target Internet site.
6 Unsupported client request (perhaps the client is using a non-compliant TCP / IP stack or the WinSock call is from a non-supported version.
7 Unsupported Address type.

0 Successful Connection
1 Server Failure
2 Rejection by Proxy due to filtering
3 Network unreachable due to no DNS service available.
4 Host unreachable because no DNS entry could be found for the host.
5 Connection refused by target Internet site.
6 Unsupported client request (perhaps the client is using a non-compliant TCP / IP stack or the WinSock call is from a non-supported version.
7 Unsupported Address type.

Detailed field and the general field
When you select a general record, some fields will be simple to use "-" to fill, detailed records will be recorded in front of the list of all known data. General log only records the following fields:
Client Computer IP
Client User Name
Authentication Status
Date Logged
Time Logged
Server Name
Destination Name
Destination Port
Protocol Name
Object Name
Detailed field and the general field
Object Source
Result Code

Reading log can sometimes be very confusing, because sometimes seems there is no record of the correct proxy server information. Most importantly, remember to keep the order of fields of Zhengque, and soon you could correctly understand their Le.

When you select a general record, some fields will be simple to use "-" to fill, detailed records will be recorded in front of the list of all known data. General log only records the following fields:
Client Computer IP

Client User Name
Authentication Status
Date Logged
Time Logged
Server Name
Destination Name
Destination Port
Protocol Name
Object Name
Object Source
Result Code

Reading log can sometimes be very confusing, because sometimes seems there is no record of the correct proxy server information. Most importantly, remember to keep the field in the correct order, and soon you will be able to correctly understand them anymore.


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Friday, July 2, 2010

Bluesea SVCD DVD Cloner

Bluesea DVD Clone is a most popular powerful dvd movie clone software. It produces perfect copies every time, and does it quickly and efficiently. Video quality of copied discs is perfect, since there's no recompression or altering of the VOB files from the original disc. Bluesea DVD Clone was designed to backup your precious DVD without any quality loss. backup you DVDs in 20 mins. Bluesea DVD Clone comes complete with numerous customizable video/audio controls that can deliver the highest quality viewing and listening experience.

Bluesea DVD Clone is Burn DVD Video Disc: you can duplicate the DVD or DVD disc which kept in DVD content folder to DVD disc,so that you can watch the DVD from a home DVD player. Duplicate DVD disc from a DVD disc directly, real 1:1 perfectly clone dvd. Copy DVD to the harddisk, so that you can edit or play the dvd from HDD, and burn it to the DVD disc later as a DVD video disc. Bluesea DVD Clone offers feature-rich navigation controls, for a more interactive and tailored DVD experience. Bluesea DVD Clone is guaranteed to deliver the highest quality and personalized DVD Copy experience possible on the PC today!

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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Exsate DV Capture Live

Exsate DV Capture Live is a program for capturing DV video from IEEE-1394 Firewire and recompressing to other formats in realtime.

Key features:

Display DV date/time stamp - detects recorded DV date and time stamp and automatically imprints it on a video frame:
- Once a day;
- Once an hour;
- Every scene;

Automatically operates your camcorder - frees you from some annoying operations to control your camcorder each time before capture: rewind a tape, search for the beginning of a recoding, etc. Automatically captures:
- from the beginning to the current position of a tape;
- from the current tape position to the end of a recording;
- a whole tape from the beginning to the end;
- any given timecode interval;

Realtime recompression to AVI or ASF formats - recompresses captured video to an AVI file with any DirectShow or VfW compressor installed on your PC including DivX (AVI) or to the Window Media ASF file (WMV) on the fly.

Scenes detection, capture to multiple files - detects scenes and writes them to a single file or to the multiple files.

Performs some tasks to make the capture process more comfortable:
- wizard like user interface;
- display a capture progress;
- automatically rewind a tape after the capture;
- automatically shutdown a PC after the capture;

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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Bluesea DVD to 3GPP2 Mobile Cell Phone

Bluesea DVD to 3GPP2 Mobile Cell Phone is an All-in-One solution to create Mobile Phone 3GP movies from DVDs, TV shows and downloaded videos. The software combines DVD to 3GPP2 Mobile Cell Phone Converter and 3GP Video Converter in one package for discounted price. The software is easy to use. It features superb video audio quality and the fastest conversion techniques availabe on the market (Up to 3x faster).

Bluesea DVD to 3GPP2 Mobile Cell Phone easy converts all popular video formats such as AVI, DivX/Xvid, WMV, RM, MPG, MOV, MPEG (and many more) videos into Mobile Phone 3GP format. Watch movies on the road. Support all mobile phones with 3GP video capability. The software is very easy to use. It compresses a full lengh movie into small size which can be fitted in a 128MB memory card. Carry your movie theater on the go! Watch movies anywhere, anytime - a new life style.

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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

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It's most popular and very easy to use YouTube tools. helps you Fast download, convert, play, manage your favorite YouTube videos. If you're a YouTube fan, you'll love YouTube tool! is the most powerful YouTube assistant on the planet. YouTube tool easily: 1. Fast downloads YouTube videos, 2. Supports unlimited simultaneous downloads (a real time saver!), 3. Automatically names the downloaded video the same as the YouTube title, 4. Converts YouTube videos to various video formats, including Video, DVD, VCD, AVI, MPG, MPEG, Divx, Xvid, WMV, RM, RMVB, MOV, MP4, 3GP, SWF, DAT, H264, VOB, Flash, PDA, M4V, 3G2, AMV, CDA, DV,QuickTime, ASX, TV, VHS, FLV, H264, BDMV, MAC, Apple TV, Zune, iPod, PDA, PSP, PS2, PS3, Xbox, Xbox 360, Mobile Phone, Cell Phone, Blackberry, Wii, Laptops, Printers, Palm OS, Pocket PC, PPC, Treo, Psion, EPOC, iphone.
Supports customize or create user's own profile for any new (portable) device. The video conversion supports preview. About Playing Features. Embedded YouTube Video (Offline) Player is available, it supports offline play YouTube video, .flv video and .swf video. Supports &quot;Drag and Drop&quot; video files direct to the main window. Easy to select the source files. Cool UI skin available. - is the most powerful YouTube assistant on the planet.

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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

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Hot popluar youtube video Converter + download + player tool. With YouTube tool you can also convert downloaded YouTube videos to a format compatible with your favorite portable device; including - iPod Video, iPod Touch, iPod Nano, iPhone, Zune, PSP, as well as video capable MP3 players, video capable mobile phones, and Pocket PC, And finally... YouTube tool's embedded player will allow you to watch all your favorite YouTube videos off-line. So now you can enjoy any .flv and .swf videos anytime!
Supports customize or create user's own profile for any new (portable) device. The video conversion supports preview. About Playing Features. Embedded YouTube Video (Offline) Player is available, it supports offline play YouTube video, .flv video and .swf video. Supports &quot;Drag and Drop&quot; video files direct to the main window. Easy to select the source files. Cool UI skin available. - is the most powerful YouTube assistant on the planet.

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