Saturday, September 25, 2010

(Batch) domain Add / Remove Account tool

2 years ago, when the batch learning to write their own domain Add / Remove Accounts tool, and now also in use in the workplace on their own, there is no technical content, nothing more than some of the batch commands and dsadd user, dsquery user and so some common command.褰撶劧鏈?父鐢ㄧ殑灏辨槸瀵煎叆浜嗭紝鍐欑殑鍔熻兘杩樻槸姣旇緝绠?崟鐨勶紝姣曠珶鎴戞湰浜烘墠鐤忓娴咃紝涔熷笇鏈涢珮鎵嬭兘澧炲姞鏇存湁鏁堢殑鍔熻兘锛岀粰鍠滄鎵瑰鐞嗙殑鏈嬪弸浣跨敤鍚с?

Before use to establish users.txt, the following format:

Bill. Gates bill password01 @

Parameters Note: cn name-samid-upn - pwd

Has joined the user exists, in the accession prompted wrong judgments, orders due cmd weak, forced to quote the delay variable, so that can not be a "!" Character, so please set the password in the users.txt Do not use "!."

By default only support two domain names (eg:, if your domain is ( 3 domain then please modify this batch.

Some code:

銆??@echo off & setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION



title = In the field Add / Remove Account tool, BY sunhtcool

銆??rem mode con cols=60 lines=50

color 0b

echo% date%


set menu =

銆??echo [1]鍦ㄥ煙涓壒閲忔坊鍔犺处鎴?br />

echo [2] to delete accounts in the domain


echo [3] to find at least several weeks inactive (not logged in) users


echo [4] to find the user account is disabled


echo [5] Exit


set / p menu = "Please enter your choice:"

if "% menu%" == "1" goto AddUsers

if "% menu%" == "2" goto DelUsers

if "% menu%" == "3" goto QueryUsersweeks

銆??if "%menu%" == "4" goto QueryUsersDisabled

if "% menu%" == "5" goto: eof

echo selection is invalid, please re-select!

pause> nul

銆??goto start



set Domain_name =

set / p Domain_name = "Please enter your domain name (eg:"

銆??for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=." %%a in ("%Domain_name%") do (set Domain_name1=%%a

set Domain_name2 =%% b)

for / f "tokens = 1-4 delims ="%% a in (users.txt) do (dsquery user-o dn | findstr / c: "%% a"

rem variable to monitor error

echo! ERRORLEVEL!>> error.txt

if "! ERRORLEVEL!" == "0" (@ echo username [%% a] failure to add already exists ...

) Else (@ call: OK%% a%% b%% c%% d ...)


銆??ping -n 3 >nul


echo command to complete, press any key to exit ...

pause> nul

start dsa.msc

goto: start

: OK

rem delayed variable attention will abandon all! No.

銆??dsadd user "cn=%1,cn=users,dc=%Domain_name1%,dc=%Domain_name2%" -samid %2 -upn %3 -pwd %4 -pwdneverexpires yes -mustchpwd no >nul 2>nul

if not "! ERRORLEVEL !"==" 0" (echo user Samid [% 2] failed to add already exists ...) else (

echo Adding user [% 1] success ...)


銆??goto :eof



銆??echo [1]鍒犻櫎瀹瑰櫒涓崟涓敤鎴?br />

銆??echo [2]鍒犻櫎缁勭粐鍗曚綅涓?OU)鍗曚釜鐢ㄦ埛


echo [3] bulk deletion of users (not including the deleted OU organizational unit)


echo [4] bulk deletion of users (including the deleted OU organizational unit)


銆??echo [5]杩斿洖涓婁竴涓洰褰?br />
銆??set DelUs=

set / p DelUs = "Please enter your choice:"

if "% DelUs%" == "1" goto Del_Singel

if "% DelUs%" == "2" goto Del_Ou

銆??if "%DelUs%" == "3" goto Del_OuS1

if "% DelUs%" == "4" goto Del_OuS2

if "% DelUs%" == "5" goto start

echo selection is invalid, please re-select!

goto DelUsers

: Del_Singel


set Singel =

set Cn_1 =

銆??set Domain_pname=

set / p Singel = "Please enter the user's DN (distinguished name) (eg: John Smith):"

if "% Singel%" == "" echo user name can not be empty, please re-enter! & pause> nul & goto Del_Singel

for / f "tokens =*"%% t in (''dsquery user-o dn ^ | find / i "% Singel%"'') do set Uesr =%% ~ t

echo% Uesr%

if "% Uesr%" == "" echo This user name does not exist, please re-enter! & pause> nul & goto Del_Singel


set / p Cn_1 = "Please enter your user name where the container (for example: users):"

if "% Cn_1%" == "" echo container name can not be empty, please re-enter! & pause> nul & goto Del_Singel

銆??set /p Domain_pname="璇疯緭鍏ヤ綘鐨勫煙鍚?渚嬪锛歮"

銆??if "%Domain_pname%" == "" echo 鍩熷悕涓嶈兘涓虹┖,璇烽噸鏂拌緭鍏? & pause>nul & goto Del_Singel

for / f "tokens = 1,2 delims =."%% a in ("% Domain_pname%") do (set Domain_namep1 =%% a

銆??set Domain_namep2=%%b)

dsrm "cn =% Singel%, cn =% Cn_1%, dc =% Domain_namep1%, dc =% Domain_namep2%"-noprompt> nul

. . . . . . . . .

Add to delete the domain account tools:


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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Paladin 4 tips off Willow House maze

Yesterday, well into the game after the patch installed, and does not card.姝eソ鍓嶉潰鎵撻?浜嗘煶搴滐紝铏借涓嶆槸寰堝彉鎬侊紝涓嶈繃娌″ソ鏂规硶鐨勭‘鏈夌偣楹荤儲銆?Through this maze is mainly observed blue Chuansong Zhen, not the middle of a cyclone the same pattern Well, look carefully, counterclockwise rotation is the right way, clockwise is the wrong way, do not switch to the middle of the road is closed. .鐭ラ亾杩欎釜绐嶉棬鍚庤蛋璧锋潵灏辨柟渚垮暒锝烇綖锝?br />
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